Dixie Dreams Farms
“locally produced, environmentally friendly”
Welcome neighbors
Let me introduce ourselves, I am Marian ( the soap maker and creator) and Ned (the inventor, engineer, and hard labor guy).
Our passion is growing things. Out of that passion came a desire to create, initially, bath products that promote body and skin health. Putting healthy products on the biggest organ of your body, the skin, is as important as putting healthy food into your body. . Our products are made from organic oils, butters, and the botanicals, which are grown in my own garden using organic practices, are added with the addition of some products (ie, corn meal and goats milk) that are all locally grown. Included in our products are an all Georgia grown product made from Georgia Olive Oil and botanicals grown in our garden. As a grower of flowers and herbs, finding wonderful methods of creatively utilizing the fruit of our labor consumes our waking hours ( and sometimes our dreams)!
As you can see we now have other products from the garden that add to our line of soaps. All are good for your body and promote healthy living. Have fun browsing our website, we are so glad you joined us. Please sign up for our newsletter and “like” us on Facebook so you can keep up with the “happenings” on Dixie Dreams Farm.